5 common mistakes people make when buying a home!
1. Location
You can change almost everything about your home, but you can't change the location. Think about how close (or far) you want to be to work, family, friends and schools!
2. Not enough bedrooms
Whether it's needing that extra space for a craft room, or kids that will need their own room sooner than you expected... most people are in homes for at least 5-7 years. Plan the number of bedrooms needed accordingly!
3. Not viewing enough homes
Buying a home is one of the biggest purchases of your life. Take a look at several homes with different layouts before you start making offers, to be sure you'll love the flow of your new home!
4. Not staying within the budget
You're welcome to go find a long-lost rich uncle to help pitch in on your home to give you more options, but make sure you don't sacrifice a bigger payment you can't afford to make it happen.
5. Worrying about simple improvements
Many new home buyers want everything to be perfect in their new home the day they close. Remember, you can change most of the things you might not like. For example, paint, flooring, cupboards, bathrooms, etc., can all be remodeled to best work for your family.