Why I love being a rainy-day Realtor

I actually like showing homes in the rain. It’s not the most fun thing to do, but taking potential buyers to a rainy-day home showing offers a ton of practical value. When you tour homes in the rain, you’re more apt to notice if a leaky roof, puddly basement or other form of water intrusion.
True story…I recently had a homeowner tell me that after living in their home for about a month, they were awoken in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm with water pouring in through the closed window in their bedroom. This issue might have been noticed and addressed prior to closing if the showing and/or inspections had occurred in the rain!
Another time, during a final walk-through on a rainy day, we were in the basement and noticed some water on the floor. Turns out there was a small hole in the foundation where the water was intruding. We were able to get the fix priced out by a contractor, and the buyers received a credit for the repair from the sellers at closing—and still closed on time!
I love being a rainy-day Realtor—that rainy day could just save the day down the road.